Newsletter TransStar Europa 2/2015

3. 4. 2015

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Right after the Easter holidays the TransStar project will continue with new activities.

In this newsletter you will find:

Impressions from the TransStar Workshop in Krakow from March 25 to 28

TransStar and the Translating Cube in Ljubljana April 15 – 19, 2015

TransStar Participating at the Arsenal Book Fair in Kiev, April 22 – 26, 2015


Impressions from the TransStar Workshop in Krakow from March 25 to 28

Within the framework of our TransStar workshop in Krakow, we organised a reading by Ziemowit Szczerek at Villa Decius. With Magda Wlostowska as the facilitator, he introduced a very interesting book about the relationship between Poland and Ukraine: Przyjdzie Mordor i nas zje, czyli tajna historia Słowian.  [Mordor will come to eat us, or a secret history of the Slaves). The book deals with the stereotypes Poles have about Ukrainians. In general Szczerek presents a multifaceted view of (Central-East) European identities which very much reflects current developments. He also presented his book Siódemka [Seven], in which he describes a trip from Krakow to Warsaw along highway number seven, leading through the Polish province.

On March 28 the Polish-German and the Ukrainian-German groups offered an interesting program at the Goethe Institute in Krakow, which was based on their translations. In the first part of the program, the Ukrainian group with Constanze Aka, Stefan Heck, Nina Havrylov and Sofia Onufriv conducted a play-reading of works by Myroslav Dotshynez, Yuri Izdryk and Olexandr Ushkalov. The performance was just fantastic. And following this perfomance we realised that the connecting element was the excessive consumption of alcohol.

Afterward Marlena Breuer, Jakob Walosczyk, Katharina Kowarczyk, Magda Wlostowska and Olaf Kühl rapped texts by young Polish authors, including texts by Dorota Masłowska. The enjoyable performance had only one drawback – the spontaneous dancing afterward which had not been planned.

TransStar and the Translating Cube in Ljubljana April 15 – 19, 2015

From April 15 through 19 the Translating Cube entitled Poetic Transgressions will take place in Ljubljana. In addition to the workshops of the German-Slovenian, German-Ukrainian and Slovenian-German groups, events with authors on the exchange of literature and culture between Slovenia and other European countries are planned. The different events will be organised by TransStar participants.

On Wednesday, April 15, the kick-off event will be „Being Finagled and Crossed“ where TransStar participants will search for and discuss the similarities and differences between the Slovenian and Ukrainian languages. On April 16 the exihibit Camera Obscura – Places of Translation will be opened at the University of Ljubljana. Furthermore, the program will contain a reading with the Ukrainian authors Ostap Slyvynsky and Josef Winkler, an event on the Slovenian book market, a literary city tour and a concert by the group You will be able to find more detailed information on the events under the following link.

TransStar Participating at the Arsenal Book Fair in Kiev, April 22 – 26, 2015

The TransStar project will present itself at the Arsenal Book Fair in Kiev from April 22 to 26 with a performance by Ulrike Almut Sandig and the exhibit Camera Obscura – Places of Translation.

Together with Hryhory Semenchuk, Ulrike Almut Sandig will perform in the Night of Poetry on April 23. The texts presented at this event were translated by TransStar participants.

On April 24 the exhibit Camera Obscura – Places of Translation will be opened. At the opening event Ukrainian TransStar participants will present their translations together with the Krytyka publishing house and will announce the book to be released in August.

You can find further information on the project, updated regularly, under: or on our facebook site Transstar Europa.


Funded by the Program for Lifelong Learning
of the European Union.

The Translating Cube is funded by





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