Daniela Kocmut

26. 10. 2015

werkstattleiter_daniela_kocmutDaniela Kocmut was born in Maribor in 1980. In 1991 she moved to Austria and grew up in Hermagor, Carinthia; she lives in Graz, works as a translator and interpreter, and teaches Slovene. She is currently an assistant at the literary journal LICHTUNGEN and teaches Slovene in the program treffpunkt sprachen at the University of Graz. She studied Translation Studies in Graz and Dublin. Since 2004 Daniela Kocmut has translated primarily literary and technical texts from various fields and languages (German, Slovene, English and Croatian). She has published numerous literary translations into German: Luzias Augen and Der Baum ohne Namen by Drago Jančar, Die verborgene Harmonie by Katarina Marinčič, Alle meine Kriege, Plötzlich wurde es dunkel by Maruša Krese, and Wasserlinge by Veno Taufer She regularly participates in literary events, especially in Graz and Maribor, and writes poetry in German and Slovene.

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