Alida Bremer

1. 7. 2015

Alidwerkstattleiter_alida_bremera Bremer
Foto © Oliver Favre

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She was born in 1959 in Split, Croatia, and completed her degree in Comparative Literature Studies, Romance, Slavic and German Studies in Belgrade, Rome, Saarbrücken and Münster. Her PhD she completed in the area of comparative literature studies. For many years she worked as a research assistant and lector at the universities of Münster and Giessen. She was the artistic program director of the book fair in Pula, Istria, the acting manager of the project “Croatia as Focus Country at the Leipzig Book Fair in 2008”, is a freelancer at the S. Fischer Foundation and was awarded a Border Crosser research grant by the Robert Bosch Foundation in the year 2008-2009.

Important publications: Kriminalistische Dekonstruktion: Zur Poetik der postmodernen Kriminalromane [Criminalistic Deconstruction: The Poetics of Postmodern Detektive Stories] (Würzburg 1999);  (ed.): Jugoslawische (Sch)Erben: Probleme und Perspektiven [Yugoslavian Heirs: Problems and Perspectives] (Osnabrück 1993);  (ed.): Literarischer Reiseführer: Istrien [Literary Travel Guide: Istria] (Klagenfurt/Celovec 2008); (edited together with Silvija Hinzmann and Dagmar Schruf): Südliche Licht. 20 Liebeserklärungen an Kroatien [Southern Light: 20 Declarations of Love for Croatia] (Berlin 2008); (edited together with Hermann Wallmann): Kroatische Literatur der Gegenwart in 6 Bänden [Croatian Literature oft he Present in Six Volumes] (Daedalus Verlag 2008); (edited together with KulturKontakt Austria): Zeitgenössische Literatur aus Kroatien [Contemporary Literature from Croatia] (realized: four volumes, planned: ten volumes); (ed.): Fabula rasa. Oder: Zagreb liegt am Meer / Die kroatische Literatur der letzten 25 Jahre [Fabula Rasa: Zagreb is Located at the Sea / Croatian Literature of the Last 25 Years] Die Horen, Volume 229 (1st Quarter, 2008).

Numerous translations from Croatian, Serbian and Bosnian (poetry, novels, short stories, plays, essays amongst others from Predrag Matvejević, Bora Ćosić, Ivana Sajko, Edo Popović, Miroslav Krleža, Milko Valent, Janko Polić Kamov, Antun Šoljan, Veljko Barbieri, Roman Simić, Delimir Rešicki, Slavenka Drakulić, Jakša Fiamengo, Dragan Velikić, Marija Karaklajić, Milena Marković).

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