The second network meeting will take place in 2015 in Prague (June 4–7). Programme.


Pavel NovotnyPavel Novotný
Pavel Novotný (1976) has the chair for German Language at the Technical University of Liberec; he completed his studies in Liberec, Prague and Olomouc. As a scholar of literature his research interests include literary montage and collage as well as the possibilities of auditive and radiophonic poetry. He writes and translates and has composed a number of radio pieces for the Czech Radio (ČRo3). His composition “Vesmír” [Universe] was awarded the “Prix Bohemia Radio” in 2010. Together with Jaromír Typlt he staged Kurt Schwitter’s “Ursonate” and has also adapted it for the Czech Radio. He published a number of collections of poetry and text series; since 2007 he works on his multi-dimensional lifework entitled “Tramvestie”.

Swoboda TomasTomáš Svoboda
Tomáš Svoboda is research assistant at the Institute for Translatology at the Faculty of Humanities of the Charles University of Prague where he specialises in modern history of translation. His doctoral thesis analysed the „Norms of Translation in the Baroque Era“ with a special focus on German-Czech literary contacts. In his teaching and research activities he continues to concern himself with different aspects of translation theory as well as the translation practice in the organs of the European Union. He is considered to be an expert in the field of computer-aided and mechanical translation.

Kateryna StetsevychKateryna Stetsevych
Kateryna Stetsevych was born in Ukraine; she studied German Studies and Literature at the University of Czernovitz / Chernivzi and Culture and Politics of Eastern Europe at the Free University in Berlin. Since 2007 she works as a freelance cultural manager and trainer (Goethe Institute, GIZ, Robert Bosch Foundation, Europe House Georgia). Since 2011 she is the coordinator of the focal point „tranzyt: Literature from Ukraine, Poland and Belarus“ at the Leipzig Book Fair. She is one of the founding members of the registered association Kulturgenossenschaft e.V. [cultural cooperative] in Berlin. In December of 2014 she organised the conference Values and Change: Future Plans for the Cultural Realm and Civil Society in Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and Georgia together with Claudia Dathe.

kein_bildMałgorzata Różańska
She completed her studies of Germanic Philology at the Jagiellonen University in Krakow and studied Applied Linguistics (English, Spanish) at the Józef Tischner European University in Krakow. From 2005 until 2008 she was active as an internal reviewer at ZNAK publishers and since 2008 she is a free coordinator of the scholarship programs of the Villa Decius Association in Krakow (artist scholarships, DAGNY, Visegrad Literary Residency Program, scholarships for persecuted authors ICORN). She is co-editor of the anthology Podróż na północ[Northbound Journey] (2011) with texts of Polish and Norwegian recipients of a residency scholarship at Villa Decius. Since 2010 she is the secretary of the editorial staff of the international literary journal called RADAR. She is a freelance translator from German and English and a participant in the “TransStar” project.


Stefanie Stegmann
Foto © Klaus Polkowski

PhD, born in Lübbecke. From 1993 to 1998 she studied Art, German Studies and Education Science at Oldenburg’s Carl von Ossietzky University, followed by postgraduate studies in cultural theory with a focus on gender studies. Her PhD she completed with the doctoral thesis: “Got the Look. Science and Her Outfit: A Cultural Theory Study on the Effects of Habitus, Faculty Culture and Sex”, published in 2005. From 2003 to 2005 she worked as a lector for the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in Chernivtsi (Ukraine). In addition to her university work she intermediates and promotes literature. In 2005 she became head of the Literaturbüro Freiburg and since January 2014 she heads the Literaturhaus Stuttgart. She also develops international literature and culture projects with varying teams.
Publications 2012: „Zum Kuckuck. Literarische Umrisse eines Landes“, with Juri Andrukhovytsh, Annette Pehnt, Wilhelm Genazino amongst others; and „Doppelnaht. Fünf Briefwechsel zur deutsch-deutschen Einheit“, with Reinhard Jirgl, Feridun Zaimoglu, Marlene Streeruwitz, Andreas Maier and Kathrin Schmidt amongst others.

werkstattleiter_andy_jelcicAndy Jelčić
He studied German and English Studies as well as the two-year post-diploma studies program on literary theory at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Zagreb. Since 1988 he works as a freelance translator, author and journalist and has completed numerous translations of non-fiction and fiction as well as contributions to literary journals and daily newspapers. For his translation of Erich Auerbach’s Mimesishe received the prize from the Croatian Literary Translators Association for the best specialist translation. Also for his translation Robert Musil’s main piece of work Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften [The Man Without Qualities] he received an award, namely the national prize for the best translation.
Andy Jelčić works in a diversity of theaters, architecture associations and museums, amongst others the Museum for Contemporary Art in Zagreb, the Museum for Modern and Contemporary Art in Rijeka, the Center for Art and Media in Karlsruhe, the Camera Austria, etc. In addition, he is a member of numerous professional associations, amongst others the Croatian Literary Translators Association, the Austrian Translators Association and the Commission oft he Cultural Ministry of the Republic of Croatia for awarding the national annual prize and the lifetime achievement of translators.
Furthermore, Andy Jelčić is the Croatian representative in CEATL, vice president of the CEATL, leader of the Group Copyright and Digital Rights as well as editorial member of the PETRA project in Brussels.




Translating cube

