Workshop Leader German-Slovenian
Amalija Maček
From 1995 to 2001, after graduating in German Language and Literary Studies and Hispanic Studies, she worked as a freelance translator and interpreter. As a student and an alumna, she pursued further education (through various scholarships: DAAD, Schritte, Sommerakademie LCB, etc.) in Germany, Austria and in Spain. Since 2001 she has worked at the Department of Translation at the University of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Humanities, where she mainly teaches translation from German into Slovene. She has published numerous scholarly and newspaper articles and reviews. Since 2008 she heads the master’s program in Interpreting Studies (a member of EMCI). She coordinated the EULITA and TRAFUT projects for Slovenia and is also an accredited conference interpreter, works for EU institutions, is a member of the Slovene Book Agency’s committee for the promotion of Slovene literature abroad and, first and foremost, is a literary translator from German into Slovene (Mora, Brecht, Kafka, Winkler, Pollack, Peltzer, Muschg, Kehlmann, Aichinger, etc.).
Workshop Leader German-Slovenian
Tina Štrancar
Foto © Andrej Lovšin
Tina Štrancar was born in Ljubljana, Slovenia in 1985. She studied German language and literature at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, after which she continued her studies at the doctoral level in literary studies in Ljubljana and Berlin (doctoral thesis: The Discourse of Memory in Contemporary German Family Narratives). She has received a number of grants for her scholarly and translation work (DAAD, Robert Bosch Stiftung, Meeting of translators at the Literarisches Colloquium Berlin, etc.). Since 2008 she has been translating fiction, poetry, and children’s literature from German into Slovenian (including Bleutge, Bodrožič, Camenisch, Dinev, Erpenbeck, Hacker, Hermann, Kehlmann, Ransmayr, Schwitter and Stavarič) and is a member of the Slovenian Association of Literary Translators (DSKP). She spends her time between Berlin and Ljubljana.
Workshop Leader Slovenian-German
Daniela Kocmut
She was born in Maribor in 1980. In 1991 she moved to Austria and grew up in Hermagor, Carinthia; she lives in Graz, works as a translator and interpreter, and teaches Slovene. She is currently an assistant at the literary journal LICHTUNGEN and teaches Slovene in the program treffpunkt sprachen at the University of Graz. She studied Translation Studies in Graz and Dublin. Since 2004 Daniela Kocmut has translated primarily literary and technical texts from various fields and languages (German, Slovene, English and Croatian). She has published numerous literary translations into German: Luzias Augen and Der Baum ohne Namen by Drago Jančar, Die verborgene Harmonie by Katarina Marinčič, Alle meine Kriege, Plötzlich wurde es dunkel by Maruša Krese, and Wasserlinge by Veno Taufer She regularly participates in literary events, especially in Graz and Maribor, and writes poetry in German and Slovene.
Workshop Leader Slovenian-German
Erwin Köstler, born in 1964, is a translator and literary scholar who lives in Vienna. Since 1992 he translates literary texts and is an independent scholar who also curates exhibits and organises events, numerous readings, talks and workshops. In addition he has worked for radio and theatre, supervises research projects and has participated in numerous academic symposia. Since 1994 Köstler publishes Ivan Cankar at Drava publishing in Klagenfurt (Austria), an edition commented and translated into German by him currently consisting of 14 single volumes. In spring of 2013 the first five volumes of the Slovenian Library edited by him were released, which is a cooperative project of the Drava, Hermagoras/Mohorjeva and Wieser publishing houses all located in Klagenfurt. In addition Köstler regularly translates contemporary Slovenian literature, his latest are translations of texts by Franjo Frančič and Sebastijan Pregelj. His ouevre of translations and editions consists of more than 35 books. He has received numerous awards in the form of translation prizes and stipends: in 1999 the Austrian National Prize for Literary Translators and in 2010 the Lavrin Diploma of the Slovenian Translation Association.
Relying on the structure and methodology of classical and postclassical [...]
For further information on translation, the TransStar project and the [...]
Relying on the structure and methodology of classical and postclassical [...]
Sir or Madam, In co-operation with KulturKontakt Austria, the Austrian [...]
Five short films with translations (videopoetry) were made as part [...]
Translating Cube: Six Sides of European Literature and Translation Berlin, [...]
Programme (PDF)
Five short films with translations (videopoetry) were made as part [...]
Translating Cube: Six Sides of European Literature and Translation Berlin, [...]
Programme (PDF)
Translating Cube in Tübingen Reinold Hermanns: SWR2 Journal am Mittag, [...]
Being Exchanged: Between Paris, Stuttgart and Ivano-Frankivsk Yuri Andrukhovytsh, Lubomír [...]
Five short films with translations (videopoetry) were made as part [...]
More here (PDF). Bookstore:
Five short films with translations (videopoetry) were made as part [...]
More here (PDF). Bookstore:
Translating Cube: Six Sides of European Literature and Translation Berlin, [...]
Programme (PDF)