Kick-Off-Event in Tübingen

Club Voltaire, Haaggasse 26b, April 4, 2013
21. 4. 2013

Eveline Passet: In the Mining Pit of Language. Translating the German Language

Can one say „Wowereit pays Juhnke condolences“? Why does a person who grew up in the Nazi-period possibly flinch at the word „schlagartig“ [promptly, suddenly]? How do I explain the German „tja“ to my foreign chat-partner? Why are nested sentences from the baroque era so difficult to read? And what generates the staccato sound in some contemporary texts?

Translators create new literary works in other languages: from the novel to the vernacular theater, from scientific treatise to correspondences and memoirs. The text is predetermined in the foreign language, and yet they themselves write. Which paths they find in order for works to arise in another language is something which Eveline Passet will demonstrate for the kick-off of the EU-funded project TransStar Europa via interesting episodes from the edited volume Im Bergwerk der Sprache [In the Mining Pit of Language].

Here are some photos of the evening.


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